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Racism within the adoptee community…?

It’s disappointing to see some White adoptees, who work tirelessly for open records access, talk about Ferguson, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, and protestors in racist terms. How do they not feel at least a little empathy when it comes to identify politics, discrimination, and the erasure of personal dignity and history?

1 Comment on Racism within the adoptee community…?

  1. I posted about a similar disconnect on my wall the other day, but in regard to a fellow adoptee making homophobic comments. I just don’t understand the cognitive dissonance that allows someone to see how they could be marginalised and stripped of rights as an adoptee, yet fail to see how other groups are similarly marginalised/without rights. Seems a no-brainer to me to be empathetic to anyone who suffers from prejudice, but perhaps white privilege resonates more strongly for some adoptees than their own ‘othered’ status.

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